BNE Enterprise

Business Breakfast 5 May: Queensland’s Aviation & Tourism Resurgence

BNE Enterprise is hosting its Business Breakfast on Friday 5 May at the Brisbane Airport Conference Centre, providing guests with an update on the State’s aviation and tourism resurgence.

Queensland’s $200million Attracting Aviation Investment Fund (AAIF) has given the state’s aviation and tourism industry a much needed boost in 2023, injecting billions of dollars from domestic and international visitors, to aid airport and tourism business recovery.

JOIN US as Brisbane Airport Corporation Executive General Manager Aviation Ryan Both, DTIS DG Andrew Hopper, QTIC CEO Brett Fraser & BEDA CEO Anthony Ryan discuss the AAIF impacts, Brisbane Airport’s strengthening international airline partnerships and our growing visitor economy.

Members ticket price – $95 +GST and Table of 8 $720 +GST

Non-Members ticket price – $125 +GST and Table of 8 $960 +GST

To RSVP for this event, please click here, email or phone (07) 3172 4222

Date: Friday 5 May 2023  |  Time: 7:00am to 9:00am
Location: Brisbane Airport Conference Centre
2 Dryandra Road Brisbane Airport